Panvel Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2024

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Panvel Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2024. Recruitment notification for various posts in Panvel Municipal Corporation has been announced. A total 22 vacancies of Medical Officer, Psychiatrist and ENT Specialist posts are to be filled as according to the advertisement. Interested & eligible candidates are invited to apply online. The last date to appear for interview in the Panvel recruitment process is 4th September 2024. Detailed information related to this recruitment like educational qualification, age limit and other important details are given in the below post.

Panvel Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2024 Overview:

Recruitment Name Panvel Municipal Corporation Recruitment 2024
Job Location Panvel
Advertisement No. 4340/2024-25
Total No. of Vacancies 22 Vacancies
Post Name Medical Officer, Psychiatrist, ENT Specialist
Salary Rs.60,000/-
Interview Location Panvel Municipal Corporation Medical Health Department, Opposite Devale Lake, Next to Gokhale Hall, Panvel – 410206
Interview 4th September 2024

Educational Qualifications Required:

(I) Full Time Medical Officer: MBBS with MMC Reg (Preference to experienced)

(II) Part Time Medical Officer: MBBS with MMC Reg (Preference to experienced)

(III) Medical Officer MBBS: with MMC Reg (Preference to experienced)

(IV) Psychiatrist: 1) MBBS with MD Psychiatry /DPM/DNB & Maharashtra Medical Council Registration (Preference to experienced candidates)

(V) ENT Specialist: MS ENT/DORL/DNB & Maharashtra Medical Council Registration (Preference to experienced candidates)

Panvel Municipal Corporation

Age Limit

The age of the candidates applying for the various positions available in Panvel Municipal Corporation must be within 45 years as on the date of application.

Post-Wise Vacancies

Post Name Vacancies
Full Time Medical Officer 05
Part Time Medical Officer 11
Medical Officers 03
Psychiatrist 02
ENT Specialist 01
Important instructions to Note before Applying:

(1) You have to write full name as per your secondary school certificate on the application form. Also attach the certification along with the form.

(2) The Date of birth too has to be as per secondary school certificate should be mentioned in the application form.

(3) Married female applicants must submit marriage registration certificate and if name changed (Govt. Gazette) along with the application.

(4) Domicile certificate should be attached along with the application form in case of Maharashtra resident.

(5) Caste and religion must be mentioned correctly in the application.

(6) Attach Non-Criminal Certificate if applicable.

(7) Present and permanent address should be mentioned in the application.

(8) Affidavit should be attached that no criminal offense has been registered against the applicant.

(9) The application should be completed in typewritten/self-signed format as prescribed.

(10) Incomplete applications will not be considered.

(11) Accurate and detailed details of educational qualification should be mentioned in the application.

(12) You must attach all the qualification certificates copy & Accurate and detailed details of educational qualification should be mentioned in the application.

(13) Original mark sheets and other necessary certificates must be produced at the time of interview.

Required Documents

(1) Application form filled with complete information

(2) Proof of age

(3) Degree/Degree Certificates

(4) Mark Sheet (All Year Mark Sheet and Certificates)

(5) Maharashtra Medical Council Registration Certificate (MBBS) / Any other Medical Graduate

with respective council registration (As Applicable).

(6) Certificates of work experience done in Govt/Semi Govt

(7) Photocopy of Aadhaar Card

(8) Current photograph (2 copies)

(9) Marriage Certificate if female applicant is married

(10) In case of change of name, a photocopy of the page of the Gazette (Govt. Gazette) mentioning your name.

(11) Small Family Certificate (Affidavit)

(12) Affidavit that no criminal case has been registered against the applicant

(13) Maharashtra State Domicile Certificate

Application fees:

The candidates can pay the application fees via Demand Draft of Nationalised Bank. The deposit should be drawn in the name “INTEGRATED HEALTH AND FAMILY WELFARE SOCIETY PANVEL”. Only Nationalized Bank’s DD will be accepted. The fees amount to be paid according to category is given below:

  • For Open Category: Rs. 150/-
  • For Reserved Category: Rs. 100/-

Scoring methods

Subjects Marks
Subject Knowledge 10
Research & Academic Knowledge 10
Leadership Quality 10
Administrative Abilities 10
Experience 10
a) For Govt. Experience
b) For Private Experience
2 Marks for one year
1 Mark for one year
Total Marks 50

Interview schedule

Interview Date & time: Wednesday 04.09.2025: 11.00 am to 5.00 pm.

Document Verification: Wednesday 04.09.2025: 11.00 am to 01.00 am

Face to Face Interview: Wednesday 04.09.2025: 02.00 PM to 05.00

Interview Location: PM Panvel Municipal Corporation Medical Health Department, Opposite Devale Lake, Next to Gokhale Hall, Panvel – 410206

Official Website – Panvel Municipal Corp Official Website
Official Notification PDF: Official Notification PDF

This is an amazing opportunity for all those Indian Nationals interested in working for a prestigious organization. The salary packages are amazing and selection process as well as application process is quiet easy. Fill out the application form before last date to avoid the last minute hassle. Read the official notification carefully for more details before applying for the appropriate posts.

Panvel Municipal Corporation Recruitment

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Disclaimer: We do not give any kind of job guaranty. we just provide information from legit sources. While we strive to provide accurate information the availability of job may change we can not guaranty accuracy. We are not involved in any hiring process. Each candidate applying for the job will be assessed by the hiring company. The information provided is based on the official notice provided by the company itself.

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